Who loves fairytale themed digital stamps!? Well if you do aren't you lucky! Moonflower will be creating a set based on that theme.
So get ready for it! Stunning princesses and evil queens coming your way!
And today is the day of the release of the first digital stamp from that set!
The first fairytale character to come your way is Cinderella!
A gorgeous digital stamp inspired on the fashion of the 1700's, with all the stunning details of a true queen to be such as our Cinderella. And of course with the crystal slipper!
You can find her already at the shop waiting for you :)
Cinderella Fairytale |
Also the freebie is already done and ready to be send with the newsletter next Monday, so don't forget to subscribe. You will not want to miss it!!!
Here's a little sneaky preview of it.
Andreia xxxx